Sunday, July 10, 2011

Art Everyday -- Or as Often As I Can Squeeze It In

I started an art journal.

The minute I splashed the first coat of gesso onto the first page I thought: What are you thinking girl? When are you going to work on this? While you sleep?

That automatic thought stopped me dead in my tracks -- like, for 10 seconds. Then I went back to splashing more gesso onto the page.  Fifteen minutes later, I had my background ready.  After another 10, I was done. And that's what you see up there. Here's a closer look

It only took me about half an hour (including the time it took me to get my materials ready) which is usually the time I take to space out and stare dumbly into nowhere after dinner.  So I told that nagging censor who insists on living in my head that I was going use those lost 30 minutes to work on my art journal.

And because I like to scare myself, I thought of joining an art journalling community that shares their work online with each other.  Here is the link to learn more about it.

Starting this and joining the group is my brave thing to do this month. (Wait - that's two things so does that mean I don't have to do anything next month?)

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