Monday, March 12, 2012

Five Minutes

It has been months since I last posted. It actually feels like years.

So much has happened since November and it seems that the avalanche of new things, new people in my life, new experiences and yes, even new hurts, is not about to stop or slow down. Overwhelmed, you ask? No -- amazed is more like it.

Because of this amazing avalanche, I had to put a few things I love to do on the shelf  for a bit.  But now they call to me and I am, once again, smitten.

But it still is a busy time so I promised myself to put in at least 5 minutes each day into doing something creative, something to feed that part of me that the avalanche of newness can't.  I missed it -- getting lost in paint and paper and pencil and glue and goop. I guess it missed me too.

Five minutes to create something. As usual, I made faces:

There. That's two days worth of creating.

My alarm just went off. Five minutes are up.  This blog post is today's 5 minutes. :-)

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