Sunday, September 4, 2011

Art Everyday: Making Friends with Watercolor

There are several things I'm afraid of: sharks, deep, dark water (and sharks!), earthquakes, snakes, rats, riding in a speeding car (or running alongside one especially one of those buses along EDSA) and watercolor.

There has always been something that scared me about watercolor.  I don't really know what but to me it seemed like a difficult monster to tame. So of course I set out to see if I could make friends with it.  It's a new month after all -- and I was scouting around for a brave thing to do this month.

What really motivated me to try it was watching my two year old niece slap watercolor on like it was the easiest thing in the world.  And while it's true that her artwork consisted mostly of squiggles of color (she insists they are paintings of Rio, her favorite parrot), I tried to see what it was that made her so fearless.

It was simple. She didn't care.

She simply slapped that paint down and dipped that brush into the pots of paint, not worried about how they would look like on paper.  She was painting for herself, enjoying the moment and not even bothered that her older sister taunted her about how "unbirdlike" her paintings were.  They were paintings of PARROTS. 'Nuff said.

I went back to being two years old and decided the best way to confront the beast was to play. And I did. The first try, done in between finishing up a custom order for brooches last week, did not go too well -- sort of like an awkward introduction at a party. A quick slap-dash piece that quickly ended up looking like - well, strange.  I recovered quickly.  I wasn't going to let this dismal failure get to me. Channeling my inner two year old, I tried again.  It worked and I was able to make a semi-decent face. It's the one on the left-hand side in case you couldn't tell LOL.

I was hooked.  I wanted to play some more.  I actually woke up at 3 AM this morning wanting to paint.  I came up with this -

My niece had it all figured out I guess.  Making friends with watercolor was no longer as daunting as it seemed.  I think we actually had a conversation in this last piece.

Now, about that fear of sharks ----

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