Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Enjoy?

Thinking about this wish prompt made me dig deep to find what the word “enjoy” really means to me.  And I found this – it means savouring with all senses, reading between the lines,  getting down at ground level like a curious two year old to figure out how something works.  It means feeling deeply – even when doing so could leave me raw and scarred.  It means chewing on every morsel of experience that each day brings and taking from it bits to dream with when I fall asleep.  It means listening for sounds that maybe only I can hear – probably because their message is for me alone.  It means breathing in air and picking up the scent of rain, or smoke, or newly cut-grass. 

I wish to enjoy what comes with each day.  Yes, even the things that I would rather not have happen. Because they will only happen once -- and I want to be fully present when I am given the gift of experiencing them.

And sunsets.
Quiet time.  And loud laughter.
Books to read and paint to create worlds with.
Rush hour traffic.  And long lines at the grocery store.
A leaking faucet.  A dog that just can’t be taught anything.
Rain - preferably with loud, booming thunder.
And harsh, hot sunlight that sears through skin.
Tears that fall because I hurt – and the realization that I hurt because I feel.  Because I love.


  1. Love it!
    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!

  2. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.
    Enjoying the moment is such a wonderful gift.

  3. Wow! wonderful wishes and well said. As you wish for yourself i join in wishing fervently for you also. Feeling is powerful!

  4. Beautifully wished! Many of us are wishing to be fully in the present moment today :)

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  5. I loved reading your wishes! Especially your description of enjoy - Savouring with all senses...delicious! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!

  6. You are a better person than me if you can enjoy leaky faucets and long you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  7. Wonderful wishes.

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish also for you.

  8. Beautiful wishes... enjoy what comes your way! :]
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  9. What a wonderful description, so vibrant!
    As Sharlene wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  10. Wow. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  11. thank you all for your words and for helping me affirm my wish. they mean a lot to me! may what you wish for yourself come true too. :-)

  12. What a beautiful post, thank you for such a wonderful description :)

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you too!

  13. Wonderful post!
    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well!


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