Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish to Make Progress On?

The spiral is one of my favorite symbols. A never-ending, open-circle moving either inward or outward depending on how you want to see it, it is to me, the perfect symbol of life and living.

I have somehow incorporated it in almost everything that I have started in the past two years – the start-up business I have is called The Spiral Studio and an online shop I keep is called Spiral, another blog I keep is called My Spiral Notebook and jewelry I create almost always has spirals.

Maybe because the spiral is the best visual way to describe where I am right now – on a journey that really started years ago but one that has only become more urgent and deeper recently.  I walk in a spiral - upward and outward when I reach for something I dream of, down and in when I pause and breathe and regroup and remember.  I travel the spiral wearing shoes lined with hope and faith, not really knowing what and where and how – I only know I have to keep moving in the direction I have taken because to stop would mean death.

I wish to progress more fully on my journey.  Lately, I have found that I have become keener to picking up clues that the Universe has scattered in front of me.  I have also been more discerning in choosing which ones to take seriously, which one to pursue.  I am taking small, small steps to where I want to be and becoming less fearless as I go.  And on those days when it feels like nothing is going right, when everything seems to have stood still like dark water in a stagnant pond, I am not afraid to stop and breathe and go inward and listen to the whispering of lessons learned, of memories that, though painful, help push me forward and upward and outward again.

I wish to move forward at the pace that I should – no rush, progress should come as I am fit to receive it and able to handle it.  I have started to walk, someday I will run and then maybe walk again and possibly stop and then run again. Who knows.  Whatever it is I wish to progress toward doing what I am meant to do and be.


  1. I love spirals too - what a wonderful symbol! Yes, as you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well. Progress on your beautiful journey as you spiral out into the world with your beautiful energy!

  2. This is so beautifully written and I can feel your heart in this wish! I love how you speak of running, then walking, then even stopping - wise words - we all have our own pace & journey! As you wish for yourself, I wholeheartedly wish for you!!

  3. thank you everyone for helping with this wish -- may all of your own wishes come true for you!


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